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Robotics applied to agriculture

B-farm is a patented system capable of autonomously producing dozens of different crops. Our solution consists of a fully automated vertical farm in which none of the stages of product growth require human intervention
Plants are constantly monitored during their growth, and it is possible to provide full traceability of the substances used from sowing to harvest

Our automated vertical farms revolutionize agriculture


The products grow in an isolated and protected environment, with controlled temperature and humidity. Special lights and periodic irrigation allow the plants to grow without the use of pesticides. Environmental conditions are constantly monitored and the system is capable of alerting the operator if necessary


All products are handled by a robotic system both on entry and exit. Since human intervention is not necessary, plants can grow safely within a protected environment that is not at risk of contamination from external agents. Additionally, this significantly reduces management costs

Growth Process

The system recognizes the products to be cultivated and treats them with their respective growth recipes. Both the irrigation and lighting cycles are customizable for each plant, allowing for the production of different types of products within the same facility

Computer based management

The vertical farm is remotely controlled and commanded. The management system allows for viewing of the data recorded during the growth process and ensures the good health condition of the plants

More than 40 growth recepies

Our automated vertical farms allow for the growth of more than 40 different types of products simultaneously. The system is capable of providing a personalized growth process for each plant, fully automating every stage of growth.

What sets us apart? Our offerings


Project management

We follow all the phases related to the design and the coordination of the project


Our automized farms are installed directly by us

Agronomy Expertise

The system allows to grow several types of products automatically without prior knowledge requiered


Our farm management software enables users to control and optimize the growth of products

Remote control

Our systems can be remotely controlled, enabling operators to monitor their functionality without needing to be physically present on-site

After sales

The maintanance of our automized vertical farms is provided by our team

Technical specifications

Further customizations are available
The structure of the robot can be adapted to fit the available space. The distance between the shelves can be adjusted based on the type of plant being produced, and the number of shelves can be varied
Watering system
The robot manages the watering of all containers. Each plant has its own specific watering plan, enabling the cultivation of multiple crops within the same automated vertical farm
Our proprietary, in-house developed software monitors every production phase, records and stores data, and facilitates the creation of optimal growth cycles for each plant type. It ensures ease of use for everyonen, and enables remote control
Loading system
Simply place the seeded containers on the roller conveyor. The system will automatically recognize the plants as they enter the robot and will store them on the appropriate shelves
The automated vertical farm will select the most suitable lights for the plants being grown. It will also manage day and night cycles autonomously
Our patented system handles the movement of the plants, eliminating the need for manual lifting. When products are ready for delivery outside the automated vertical farm, no heavy lifting is required
Tailored solutions: Automated vertical farms can be customized to fit your specific needs
Modular vertical farm: Multiple automated vertical farms can operate together, offering a modular solution when required
up to 35 m
up to 4 m
4 m